What is Pharmacopoeia?
The word pharmacopoeia is from the Greek word Pharmakopoeia which means the preparation of the drug.
Definition of Pharmacopoeia: Pharmacopoeia is an authorised treatise on drug & their preparation, esp; a book containing formulas & information that provides a standard preparation & dispensation of drugs.
The well-known Pharmacopoeias are:
1) International Pharmacopoeia
2) British Pharmacopoeia
3) British National Formularies
4) British Pharmacopoeia Codex
5) European Pharmacopoeia
6) United States Pharmacopoeia
7) National Formularies
8) Indian Pharmacopoeia
9) Japanese Pharmacopoeia
10) World Health Organisation Pharmacopoeia
There is no Pharmacopoeia in Bangladesh. We usually follow the British Pharmacopoeia.
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